Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

# Free PDF A Creed For the Third Millennium, by Colleen McCullough

Free PDF A Creed For the Third Millennium, by Colleen McCullough

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A Creed For the Third Millennium, by Colleen McCullough

A Creed For the Third Millennium, by Colleen McCullough

A Creed For the Third Millennium, by Colleen McCullough

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A Creed For the Third Millennium, by Colleen McCullough

  • Sales Rank: #6148935 in Books
  • Published on: 1985
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
A pleasant surprise from a familiar author
By A Customer
"Creed" is an unexpected offering from one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Colleen McCullough's "Tim" and "The Thornbirds" are two of my favorite books, but I don't usually admit to being a fan since these stories are somewhat simplistic romances. This book is very different from her other works. While the writing style is still quite simple and her symbolism is much too obvious, the novel offers a thought-provoking vision of a not-too-distant and all-too-possible future. The creation of a modern day messiah through the government's manipulation of the media is a fascinating premise. This book makes me a little less shy about admitting that I am a McCullough fan.

20 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
Sophomoric, but well-written and engaging
By Brian Melendez
You know the story. The child Jesus Christ is born during the reign of Caesar Augustus, despite the efforts of the local monarch Herod. He reaches adulthood during the reign of Augustus's hand-picked successor Tiberius, and preaches a message of spiritual renewal to an oppressed population. His apostle Judas Iscariot acts as his ministry's manager, but later betrays him to the government. The story is later told for the ages by a Gentile named Luke.
This book translates that story into the not-too-distant future. Unfortunately the translation is rather sophomoric. Dr. Joshua Christian (Jesus Christ) is born during the presidency of Augustus "Gus" Rome. His story unfolds during the presidency of Augustus's hand-picked successor Tibor Reece (Tiberius), when the government invents "Operation Messiah" in order to bring a message of spiritual renewal to an oppressed citizenry, despite the reluctance of Cabinet secretary Harold Magnus (Herod). Christian's advocate Judith Carrioll (Judas Iscariot) manages the project, to his ultimate detriment, while hired biographer Lucy Greco (Luke the Greek) tells his story for the masses.
"Creed" is both less and more than a simple analogy for a time-transplanted gospel. Despite the many unsubtle analogies to the New Testament, "Operation Messiah" does not follow--cannot follow--the story of Jesus too literally, so author Colleen McCullough experiments with twists on the story in its twenty-first-century setting. Sometimes her twists makes sense, but more often they do not, and they leave the reader wondering where she was trying to go with her story. She may not have known herself. But she paints an interesting twenty-first-century America, despairing over climatic and economic changes, whose government goes searching for someone "capable of teaching a sick nation how to heal itself" and finds--then elevates--a made-to-order messiah.
Even though this book slathers on the parallel names and other biblical analogs a little too thickly, I did enjoy it. The plot left much to be desired, but the writing was very good, the narrative flowed easily (even when the author seemed unsure about where it was flowing to), and the story was occasionally thought-provoking. The book was not deep, but it was engaging, and in the end a satisfying read if you are looking for entertainment and not philosophy.

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A decent premise, but that's about it
By RideTheCatfish
"Creed" imagines a future world menaced by ice. North American society has taken mainly to the warmer climates in order to escape the descending glaciers, and nobody's very happy about it. While war and international strife are all but gone, life expectancy is at an all-time low, overpopulation is a dominant issue, and it looks like man's days are finally numbered.

So the President orders a search. A search to find a person who can cheer everyone up. They find a psychologist by the name of Joshua Christian. Mr. Christian serves as a media-born Messiah figure, guiding a crippled civilization into the dim light of hope and salvation.

An interesting concept, sure, but McCullough does little to keep things together here. The writing style is utterly superficial and borderline-laughable, is utterly riddled with cliches. The dialogue isn't much better. There's some insight to be found in here, but it's buried far too deep beneath the author's almost-shameless preachiness.

Most certainly not one of McCullough's finest moments, and most deservedly out-of-print, "Creed" is worth an expedition to the used-book store only if you're a fan of McCullough and/or the post-apocalyptic novel. You'd be a lot better off with McCullough's other work, and might I suggest Stephen King's "The Stand" if you're looking for a truly fine novel of Christianity at the end of the world.

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